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Downtown Revitalization Initiative

July 2017 – Downtown Watkins Glen was selected as the winner of the $10 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative in the Southern Tier.

The area selected for revitalization in the Village of Watkins Glen is a walkable, compact area connecting the downtown and a transitional business and residential area to large employers. It benefits from local amenities like the Seneca Lake waterfront, wine trails, arts scene, state park, and an internationally recognized racetrack. The village plans to address issues in the downtown that detract from these amenities, bringing Watkins Glen into the 21st century. The community will use the Downtown Revitalization Initiative to leverage progressive development codes and recent investments in the Watkins Glen International Race Track, to create a sustainable environment for a year-round innovative and prosperous economy.

Documents and Updates:

Watkins Glen Downtown Revitalization Grant Application UPDATED (Due February 5, 2021)

DRI Presentation-History to present including project funding (October 3, 2019)

Downtown Revitalization Initiative Presentation Video in Virtual Reality (June 2017)

Watkins Glen DRI Public Surveys Summary (March 31, 2018)

Final Watkins Glen DRI Plan (July 10, 2018)

DRI Proposed Projects – Final (March 31, 2018)

Watkins Glen DRI Project Handout_revised – (March 13, 2018)

Watkins Glen DRI Public Workshop 3 Presentation – (March 7, 2018)

Watkins Glen DRI Project Handout – (March 7, 2018)

Draft Watkins Glen DRI Plan (March 2, 2018)

Salubria Building Project Proposal – (March 2, 2018)

Watkins Glen DRI LPC-Meeting 6 Presentation – (February 15, 2018)

Watkins Glen DRI_ProjectMatrix –  (February 14, 2018)

LafayettePark_ConceptualPlan – (February 12, 2018)

210 – 212 N Franklin St Presentation – (February 12, 2018)

210-212 N Franklin DRI Proposal – (February 12, 2018)

Glamping PP Presentation – (February 11, 2018)

Watkins Glen LPC-Mtg 5 Agenda (February 1, 2018)

Watkins Glen DRI Tourism Survey (February 1, 2018)

Watkins Glen DRI Project Profiles (January 31, 2018)

Downtown WG Lighting (January 31, 2018)

WatkinsGlenDRI_ZoningBriefing (January 31, 2018)

DRI Proposals Email Responses_compiled (January 2018)

Short-Term Rental White Paper Draft (January 2018)

DRI Area Retail Market Analysis (January 2018)

DRAFT Market Analysis Report (January 2018)

Watkins Glen DRI_Project Menu (January 10, 2018)

Watkins Glen DRI_LPC-Meeting 4_Presentation – (January 10, 2018)

Watkins Glen Local Planning Committee -Meeting 4_Agenda (January 10, 2018)

Watkins Glen DRI_Project Selection Matrix_Committee Response  (January 4, 2018)

Watkins Glen DRI Public Workshop #2 Presentation (December 13, 2017)

DRI Submission Budget Inn (December 13, 2017)

Watkins Glen DRI Open Call Extension Submissions (December 11, 2017)

Watkins Glen DRI Open Call Extension Summary (December 11, 2017)

DRI Open Call for Projects Summary Spreadsheet (November 30, 2017)

Watkins Glen DRI Local Planning Committee Meeting 2 Notes (October 25, 2017)

Watkins Glen DRI_Local Planning Council Meeting 2 Presentation (October 25, 2017)

Watkins Glen DRI Public Workshop #1 Presentation (October 18, 2017)

DRI Public Meeting #1 Summary (October 18, 2017)

Watkins Glen DRI_Call for Projects (October 2, 2017)

Watkins Glen DRI Local Planning Committee Meeting 1 Presentation (September 27, 2017)

Watkins Glen DRI Local Planning Committee Meeting 1 Notes (September 27, 2017)

Village of Watkins Glen DRI Application 2017 (June, 2017)

Project Gallery

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